People often see dogs as furry friends and loyal companions. However, certain breeds may have predispositions towards aggression. This can lead to a higher likelihood of dog bites. While behavior can vary widely, people should acknowledge the role that genetics and...
Animal Bites
How can dog bites kill?
Suffering from a dog bite could have several negative outcomes. Bacterial infection is one potential outcome that people often do not consider. However, infection may actually end up as the most critical potential effect of a bite that anyone could have to deal with....
What types of actions could lead to a dog attack?
Dog bites are more common than many believe and can result in life-threatening injuries. Unfortunately, dog bites are not isolated to off-leash dogs. In fact, some dog bites happen because of provocation, even if unknowingly. Here are some common actions that can lead...
Dog bites can result in severe nerve damage
After a dog bite, you need to seek treatment as quickly as possible. Early treatment can help reduce the risk of bacterial infections and other complications. At the hospital, doctors can assess the severity of the wound. When it comes to dog bites, most people worry...
What is a capnocytophaga infection?
A dog attack can result in devastating, life-altering and sometimes life-threatening injuries. While dog bites can cause permanent scarring, pain and limitations, they are not the only concern after a dog bite. According to the CDC, infections can occur after dog and...
How can I protect my child from dog bites?
Most children love dogs, but do not recognize the danger that they potentially pose. Children under the age of 14 are at high risk of dog bite, given that many have no sense of how to act properly around dogs. Given that children are also smaller and weaker than...
What are some warning signs of an upset dog?
Animals can often be unpredictable, especially if they feel threatened. When you are around dogs in particular, they may react violently without warning when a new person approaches them. Understanding some of these reactions can help you if a dog harms you. Notice...
How can you prevent dog bites?
While it is true that dogs offer lots of joy and companionship to people's lives, they can still cause serious injuries. Dog bites can result in numerous health issues, including serious infections and lacerations. Unfortunately, children have the highest risk of dog...
Can a dog bite cause sepsis?
Even if you are a dog lover, you probably realize many companion animals pose some risk to strangers. Therefore, before you approach a pup, it is advisable to ask its handler for permission. You also may want to stay far away from stray and injured dogs. While you can...
Is there such a thing as an aggressive dog breed?
Taking a walk in the park or visiting a friend should not result in you getting hurt. When the injury results from a dog bite, you may wonder if something could have stopped it. Dogs bite for various reasons, and while you may not understand which one prompted your...