Getting into a motor vehicle accident is a real risk for anyone behind the wheel. However, for someone who drives for a living, the risk is even higher simply from being on the road more. Also, the vehicle size makes it hard to stay safe. Workers such as truckers,...
Month: June 2018
Driver causes fatal accident when attempting to make pass
Every time that drivers in Massachusetts change lanes, they should put on their turn signal to notify other drivers of their intended action, check their mirrors and blind spot and wait for space before executing their move. Too often, however, impatient and dangerous...
Drug and alcohol testing after a serious truck accident
There is no question that drinking and driving is a dangerous practice and that too many Massachusetts residents have been harmed in collisions involving impaired individuals. As such, the state has implemented a number of laws that penalize men and women who have...
Are dog bite laws different for children than adults?
In Massachusetts, dog owners are strictly liable for the harm that their pets cause when those animals attack and bite. This means that the owners are responsible for the harm their animals cause even if they had no prior knowledge of their pets' dangerous...
Motorcyclist killed in collision with car
According to reports, a recent accident in Worcester claimed the life of a 31-year-old woman. The victim was riding a motorcycle on Plantation Street when it appears that a vehicle turned in front of her to access the Interstate 290 on-ramp. The victim and her...