Even if you have never been in one, you probably know car accidents happen quite frequently in the U.S. In fact, according to an analysis of data from the Bureau of Transportation Statistics, there are about 13 car accidents every minute somewhere in the country....
Year: 2022
What types of actions could lead to a dog attack?
Dog bites are more common than many believe and can result in life-threatening injuries. Unfortunately, dog bites are not isolated to off-leash dogs. In fact, some dog bites happen because of provocation, even if unknowingly. Here are some common actions that can lead...
Why does fault matter in a car accident?
Massachusetts requires that you have Personal Injury Protection (PIP) coverage through your car insurance. If you are in an auto accident, this coverage helps pay for some of your medical expenses and lost wages. However, this coverage only pays up to the limits you...
4 frequently asked questions about skull fractures
The brain is the body's control center, but it is also a soft and vulnerable organ. Neural tissue is so complex that its ability to regenerate itself following an injury is less than other tissues. The skull provides support and protection to the brain. However, like...
Dog bites can result in severe nerve damage
After a dog bite, you need to seek treatment as quickly as possible. Early treatment can help reduce the risk of bacterial infections and other complications. At the hospital, doctors can assess the severity of the wound. When it comes to dog bites, most people worry...
When is C-section a necessity?
A C-section is a surgical procedure used to remove a baby from the womb. Because it is surgery, it comes with risks. A mother should always have the option to decide whether she will have a C-section or a vaginal birth or at least consent to the surgery. Sometimes,...
What is a capnocytophaga infection?
A dog attack can result in devastating, life-altering and sometimes life-threatening injuries. While dog bites can cause permanent scarring, pain and limitations, they are not the only concern after a dog bite. According to the CDC, infections can occur after dog and...
How can you report a motor vehicle crash?
The thought of dealing with what comes after a car, motorcycle or truck crash could make you worry. One part of protecting yourself after an accident includes correctly filling out a crash report form and submitting it. Knowing the steps you should take when writing...
Think twice before taking the initial settlement after an injury
You make payments every month on your insurance policy so that you can have a certain peace of mind even when a devastating injury occurs. After an accident, you should be able to expect that you will receive the compensation you deserve from your insurance provider...
Why is awareness important in construction accidents?
The construction industry is hazardous by nature. You are working with heavy machinery, at heights and with power tools. There are risks at every turn that could lead to a serious accident. One of the keys to avoiding an injury on a construction job site is awareness....