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A Proven Full Service Law Firm Since 1971

4 frequently asked questions about skull fractures

by | Dec 8, 2022 | Slip-And-Fall Accidents

The brain is the body’s control center, but it is also a soft and vulnerable organ. Neural tissue is so complex that its ability to regenerate itself following an injury is less than other tissues.

The skull provides support and protection to the brain. However, like other bones, it can break with sufficient force, such as might occur from a slip-and-fall accident.

1. How serious are skull fractures?

Like other bone fractures, skull fractures can range in severity. According to Johns Hopkins Medicine, some do not require any intervention and heal on their own. Nevertheless, any skull fracture warrants medical evaluation because of the possibility that it may affect the brain.

2. What are symptoms of skull fracture?

According to Medline Plus, symptoms of skull fracture may include the following:

  • Loss of consciousness
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Slurred speech
  • Headache
  • Drowsiness
  • Seizures
  • Bruising under the eyes or behind the ears

Discharge from the ears or nose is another common symptom of skull fracture. It may appear clear or bloody.

3. What is the most serious type of skull fracture?

The most serious type of skull fracture is a basilar skull fracture. The brain floats in the skull surrounded by cerebrospinal fluid. A skull fracture that occurs at the base of the skull can cause the cerebrospinal fluid to leak out. This is often the reason for the watery discharge from the nose or ears.

4. What causes a basilar skull fracture?

A basilar skull fracture can occur when a person slips and falls backward, causing the head to strike the ground or another object.

Conscientious first aid and prompt medical treatment may help improve the prognosis for a person with a serious skull fracture.


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