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A Proven Full Service Law Firm Since 1971

What are the most common forms of distracted driving?

by | Sep 19, 2023 | Car Accidents

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report that each day distracted driving is responsible for the death of nine people. There are a multitude of ways a driver could lose his or her focus on the task at hand.

Some of the more common distractions may be things that most drivers do not give a second thought to as they drive.

Cell phone use

One prevalent form of distraction is texting or using a smartphone while driving. The allure of a buzzing notification or a tempting message can be irresistible, but it diverts attention away from the road. Texting requires visual, manual and cognitive attention, making it one of the riskiest distractions while driving.

Eating and drinking

Another common distraction is eating or drinking while driving. Grabbing a quick bite or sipping a beverage on the go may seem harmless, but it can take a driver’s hands off the wheel and focus off the road. A moment of inattention is all it takes for an accident to happen.

Talking to passengers

Conversations with passengers can also be a significant distraction. Engaging in animated discussions or turning to look at someone while talking can divert attention from the road ahead.

Messing with technology

Adjusting the radio, GPS or other in-car entertainment systems is another common source of distraction. Even seemingly innocent tasks, such as changing the radio station or programming a navigation system, can cause drivers to take their eyes off the road for seconds. These moments of inattention can lead to accidents, especially in high-traffic or complex driving situations.


Daydreaming is a distraction that often goes unnoticed. Drivers’ minds may wander to work, personal matters or any number of concerns, causing them to miss important details on the road. Drivers must stay mentally present to react swiftly to changing traffic conditions.


Fixing hair, applying makeup or shaving while behind the wheel can lead to dangerous accidents. These activities demand visual and manual attention, making them a hazardous choice when driving.

In today’s fast-paced world, distractions are all around, and unfortunately, this extends to time behind the wheel. Distracted driving is a growing concern, and its consequences can be devastating.


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