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A Proven Full Service Law Firm Since 1971

Motorcyclist flown to hospital after accident

by | Jul 11, 2019 | Motorcycle Accidents

The condition of a Massachusetts motorcyclist is unknown after they were involved in a devastating collision with a car over the Fourth of July holiday. The accident occurred in the late afternoon on the holiday at an intersection in Montague. A car made an abrupt left-hand turn and struck the motorcyclist, who had the right of way at the junction. The car’s driver tried to avoid the collision by speeding up but was unsuccessful.

As a result of the crash, the victim was taken from the accident scene to a hospital by helicopter and was originally listed in serious condition. Although law enforcement officials do not believe that the driver of the car was drunk when the accident happened, that driver was cited for several moving violations for their actions.

This accident demonstrates just how quickly motorcycle accidents can happen on Massachusetts roads. This incident occurred in the middle of the day with an apparently sober driver. As law enforcement officials investigate the crash they may learn what, if any, contributing factors caused this tragedy to happen.

In the wake of a motorcycle accident, a victim and their family may feel lost and unsure of what options they have. As their financial situation becomes more precarious, the worries about the future may increase. They can always seek the assistance of attorneys who work in the personal injury field of law. While this post offers no legal advice, readers with questions can seek help from Massachusetts lawyers who represent motorcycle accident victims.


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