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What are signs of a Capnocytophaga infection?

by | Apr 8, 2021 | Animal Bites

After suffering from a dog bite, you should seek immediate medical attention. A doctor is the only person who can tell you exactly how your wound is, and help you properly monitor for potential signs of infection.

This is particularly vital for dog bites, as a dog’s mouth hosts several dangerous forms of bacteria. Capnocytophaga infections from the same-named bacteria are among them.

Onset of symptoms

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention examine potential risks stemming from dog bite attacks. Infection – in particular, Capnocytophaga infection – rank among the top risks. The infections stemming from this bacteria can take hours or days to show. The maximum time frame you are looking at is anywhere from 1 to 14 days. However, most people will experience symptoms within 3 to 5 days.

Some symptoms may begin to show within hours, though. This can include blistering and redness at the site of the bite. Along with that, you may experience swelling, pain and tenderness around the bite itself. The wound may also begin to weep pus. Other potential signs include fever, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and pain in the joints or muscles. Confusion and headache may also occur.

Severe complications

In addition to infection, Capnocytophaga may also cause several riskier and even life-threatening issues. Among them are gangrene, kidney failure and heart attacks. You may even lose limbs due to necrosis. Sepsis is another issue, which affects your entire bloodstream. It is possible for victims to succumb to sepsis in 24 to 72 hours after symptoms start appearing.

For these reasons and more, immediate medical attention remains crucial to your overall health. It might even impact your potential survival.


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