Anyone who has ever tried to teach a teenager to drive can likely attest that doing so is not for the faint of heart, and that teen drivers will inevitably make mistakes as they learn to follow the rules of the road. Because teenage drivers cannot help but lack experience, they pose a threat to everyone else on the roadway, and some teenagers make themselves even more hazardous to others by engaging in dangerous behaviors before getting behind, or while, at the wheel.
For this reason, AAA reports that the time period between Memorial Day and Labor Day – which is a time when most teens are out of school and more likely to spend time on the roads – is known as the “100 deadliest days.”
Statistics surrounding the 100 deadliest days
Just how dangerous can it be to be on the roads during summer’s 100 deadliest days? In 2016, for example, 10 Americans lost their lives in crashes involving teen drivers every day during the 100 deadliest days. Ultimately, more than 1,050 people lost their lives in teen-driver-involved car crashes during this timeframe.
While it can be dangerous to share the road with teenagers at virtually any time of day throughout the 100 deadliest days, statistics show that nighttime driving can prove especially dangerous. Nighttime crashes involving teenage drivers jump an average of 22 percent during the 100 deadliest days in comparison to nighttime crashes that occur during all other times of the year. Speeding, too, is a common factor in crashes occurring during summer’s 100 deadliest days. Statistics show that speed was a factor in nearly 30 percent of all fatal car crashes involving teen drivers that occurred in 2016.
Parents of teen drivers can do their part to improve roadway safety by educating their children about the risks of speeding, distracted driving, drinking and driving and so on. There is only so much a parent can do to maximize safety, however, when other parents fail to do the same, or when teenagers fail to heed the warnings of their parents.