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A Proven Full Service Law Firm Since 1971

Wrongful death claims based on water accidents

by | May 24, 2018 | Wrongful Death

Over the Memorial Day holiday, readers of this Worcester personal injury legal blog may be ready to embrace the coming of summer. For many, summer means freedom from school, cookouts with friends and family and time in the water. Water time can include boating and swimming in local bodies of water, visiting the neighborhood pool or enjoying sports on the river.

However, despite the fact that most people will enjoy their water time without incident or injury, some families will experience the ultimate loss of a loved one through a water-based accident. Drownings are a devastating reality during the summer and when they occur liability may be assigned to those who are responsible.

When a drowning happens at a public pool the pool’s owner or operator may be to blame for the death. This may be due to faulty equipment or pool maintenance or the failure of the owner to provide sufficient life guards for the facility. The facts of a pool drowning case will provide a family with the information they need to build a case.

When a drowning happens while boating, at a beach or other natural body of water, liability for the death may reside in someone other than the victim. This is especially true if the victim was harmed by a drunk boater or other party who failed to meet the duty required of them given the situation.

Wrongful deaths from drowning are tragedies that too many families must cope with. When a drowning happens, consultation with a personal injury attorney may help a family investigate its rights and options for litigation.


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