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Child suffers snake bite at outdoor expo

by | Feb 8, 2018 | Animal Bites

An unusual incident recently occurred that has made national news and may have come to the attention of Massachusetts animal lovers. During a fishing and outdoor expo, a young girl was bitten by a large snake. The 17 foot python was at the expo and at this time it is unclear of which vendor brought it or which exhibit included it in its display.

The child victim was a 4-year-old girl. Reports indicate that her injuries from the bite were not life-threatening though she was taken to a local hospital for treatment. It is unknown what will happen with the python that attacked her.

Animal bite stories are not uncommon in the news, but generally they involve domestic pets like dogs biting or attacking individuals within their homes or communities. In this case, the child victim was an attendee at a public event where the attacking snake was brought and put on display. Liability for her injuries and losses may extend to a variety of parties, from the handler of the snake to the vendor who brought the animal to the expo to the event organizers that permitted the animal to be on the premises during the expo.

As the facts surrounding this case develop readers may consider the serious and life-long issues a child may experience after becoming the victim of such a significant and traumatic attack. Animal bites, whether from domestic or wild animals, can leave physical and emotional scars that never heal. Victims of these devastating incidents are encouraged to discuss their losses with attorneys who include animal bite attacks in their personal injury legal practices.

Source: westernmassnews.com, “Four-year-old girl bitten by 17 foot python,” George DuMontier, Jan. 28, 2018


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