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A Proven Full Service Law Firm Since 1971

Why many drivers are uninsured

by | Aug 30, 2017 | Car Accidents

Having auto insurance is required in nearly all states, Massachusetts included. Thus, it can be frustrating when you are hit and/or injured by another driver and need her or his insurance company to help with your medical recovery and other costs–except the other driver does not have an insurance company at all. In fact, about 13 percent of drivers in 2014 may have been uninsured. It is so much a “given” that many drivers will be uninsured that states require insured drivers to protect against their uninsured counterparts. Massachusetts requires coverage of at least $20,000 per person and $40,000 per accident for bodily injuries caused by an uninsured auto.

Here is a look at why some people go uninsured, and, if it is something you are thinking about, why it is extremely unfair.

“Honest” lapse

In some instances, being uninsured is more or less an “honest” lapse. That is, a driver forgets or does not realize that policy renewal is coming up soon and never sends payment. So, the policy lapses, but the motorist thinks he or she is covered. Fortunately, when drivers finally do realize they are not covered, many rush to regain insurance.

To avoid this happening to you, set up automatic withdrawals from your bank account, or set up reminders to pay your insurance bill.

Cutting costs

Some families look to cut costs wherever they can, and auto insurance can be one of the areas that gets neglected. Maybe they think it is unnecessary because they do not drive much, and when they do, the speed is never more than, say, 35 mph. People cross their fingers and hope for the best, but it could be the worst that happens.


Then there is underinsurance, where drivers have coverage but nowhere near enough to help in some occurrences. For example, Massachusetts has required minimums, but you may need more insurance coverage than that.

It can be confusing and frustrating trying to deal with someone who is uninsured or underinsured, especially if your own insurance company is digging in its heels. An attorney may be able to help.


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