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What are symptoms of brain injuries and how do they occur?

by | Feb 11, 2016 | Car Accidents

A number of Massachusetts car accident victims may suffer brain injuries associated with the accident. Car accident victims may wonder what the symptoms of a brain injury are. Brain injuries can be difficult to detect, as they can be closed head injuries, but they can be costly physically, emotionally and financially.

Some symptoms of brain injuries can include fatigue; problems with memory; difficulty problem solving; difficulty finding the correct words; difficulty organizing thoughts; becoming easily confused; decision-making difficulties; an inability to concentrate; irritability; and personality or mood changes. Brain injury symptoms can be suffered over time and generally fall into four categories including motor impairments; cognitive disorders; changes to social or psychological function; or sensory loss. Brain injuries can also lead to chronic pain, headaches, sleep disorders or seizures.

A brain injury can occur in a number of ways, including through trauma to the brain such as trauma suffered in a car accident. Traumatic brain injuries are the leading cause of acquired brain injuries and car accidents are a common cause of traumatic brain injuries. Victims who have suffered a brain injury in a car accident that was caused by a negligent driver may have options available to help them recover compensation for the physical, emotional and financial damages associated with a brain injury and its treatment.

Brain injury victims and their families may face unique challenges that are common to brain injury victims. Because brain injuries are serious and can have a significant impact on the physical, emotional and financial well being and future of families, resources are available to help victims who have suffered a brain injury because of the negligence of another party.

Source: Brain Injury Association of Massachusetts, “About Brain Injury,” Accessed Feb. 8, 2016


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