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Car accident fatalities up in Massachusetts

by | Feb 25, 2016 | Car Accidents

A National Safety Council report recently revealed that car accident fatalities were up throughout the country and in Massachusetts. The total number of car accident fatalities in the United States in 2015 was up 8 percent from 2014 to 38,300 car accident fatalities. In Massachusetts, there were 354 car accident fatalities in 2015 which was 2 percent increase from 348 car accidents fatalities in Massachusetts in 2014 and a 6 percent increase from 334 car accident fatalities in Massachusetts in 2013.

The costs related to car accidents are high; the costs associated with car accidents fatalities, injuries and property damage totaled over $412 billion in 2015. The costs associated with car accidents and car accident fatalities include lost wages, lost productivity, medical expenses and other costs associated with car accidents and car accident fatalities. The costs of a car accident can be unexpectedly high for car accident victims and their families.

Because of the serious costs of car accidents to car accident victims, victims may be able to recover compensation for a number of different types of damages suffered which may include medical expenses, future medical care costs, lost wages, lost earning capacity and pain and suffering damages associated with the harm they have suffered. Victims of car accidents can suffer prolonged physical, financial and emotional consequences associated with a car accident. Damages may also be available to family members who have suffered the loss of a loved one in a car accident.

It is important that victims are car accidents are familiar with the options available to help them. Legal resources are designed to be uniquely personalized to their circumstances and situation to provide help where they need it following a car accident.

Source: Woburn Patch, “Woburn Traffic: Motor Vehicle Fatalities Up Across MA,” Joe Lipovich, Feb. 19, 2016


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