Motorcycles can be a fun and exhilarating way to travel the streets of Worcester. Unfortunately, motorcycle accidents can have devastating consequences.
A recent motorcycle accident sent one man to UMass Memorial Medical Center in Worcester via Life Flight and another to jail. The motorcyclist was travelling westbound when a car attempted to make a left turn into a gas station, colliding with the motorcycle. Though the motorcyclist is expected to survive, he sustained serious injuries to his leg. The driver was arrested and charged with operating under the influence, negligent operation, failure to yield to an oncoming vehicle and for having an open container.
A drunk driver who injures another party in a car or motorcycle collision can face liability to the injured motorcycle accident victim through a negligence lawsuit. A negligent driver can be responsible to an injured victim for damages that resulted from an accident. To be negligent, a driver must have acted carelessly, and these careless actions must have caused some harm to the other party. When a driver has been charged with a crime or cited as a result of the accident, this can be considered evidence of negligence.
Motorcycle accidents can result in catastrophic injuries because they offer little protection to riders. Broken bones and even permanent disability can result. This means that recovery can sometimes be costly, both economically and emotionally. Because of this, injured parties can recover medical expenses, future medical costs, lost wages, lost earning capacity and pain and suffering damages from the negligent party in the accident.
Motorcycle accident victims can face many challenges associated with healing. Because of this, the legal system offers an opportunity for victims to recover damages they have suffered.
Source: ABC40, “One Man Seriously Injured; One Man Arrested in Brimfield Accident,” Dana Griffin, July 4, 2013