Motorcycle accidents victims have rights and remedies they should be aware of. A man and a woman suffered serious injuries in Worcester recently when a car struck the motorcycle they were riding. The car ran a stop sign and struck the couple broadside. Witnesses reported that a car ran a stop sign at a local intersection and struck the motorcycle, colliding with its side while it was still moving. Both victims were thrown from the bike. The Worcester Police accident reconstruction team is investigating the accident.
The most common cause of motorcycle accidents is a vehicle’s failure to yield the right of way to the motorcycle. Because of the severity of motorcycle accidents, catastrophic injuries often result. This may leave motorcycle accident victims and their families with unexpected costs such as medical expenses and medical bills in addition to physical, and sometimes emotional, injuries. This makes it especially important that motorcycle accident victims understand their rights and remedies if they are injured by a negligent driver.
A negligent party can face liability to the victim for injuries that are suffered as a result of the party’s negligence. Medical damages may not only include current medical bills but may also sometimes include future medical expenses if the accident victim will require ongoing care as a result of the injuries suffered in the accident. Additionally, a motorcycle accident victim may be able to recover lost wages from the time the injury occurred until the time the legal process is concluded. This may not be all, however, if the victim’s future earning capacity has also been diminished by the injuries suffered in the accident. If the victim has endured any type of permanent disability, disability damages may also be available. Other types of damages, such as pain and suffering damages, are often available to accident victims as well.
Motorcycle accidents can often result in serious injuries. Motorcycle accident victims may, however, have compensation available to them for various damages.
Source:, “Two injured in Worcester motorcycle crash,” Dave Canton, June 8, 2013