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A Proven Full Service Law Firm Since 1971

Massachusetts ATV accident results in boy’s death

by | Dec 19, 2012 | Wrongful Death

The loss of a loved one can be one of the most difficult experiences a person can face. One family is likely going through rough times now, after a 14-year old Massachusetts boy was recently killed while riding an all-terrain vehicle.

The fatal accident occurred when a man riding a dirt bike struck and killed the victim on the ATV. According to authorities, the boy’s father was present during the accident. The man on the dirt bike fled the scene of the accident, but was later found and questioned by authorities. No charges have yet been filed, but police are investigating.

ATVs are used throughout the country for both practical purposes as well as recreational purposes. There have been around 800 reported ATV deaths a year in recent years. One way to avoid ATV accidents, but even following these guidelines to the letter may not have been able to prevent this tragedy. In fact, Massachusetts is one of only a few states that requires mandatory all-terrain vehicle education for those under 18.

Physical and emotional damages following a fatal accident can be severe. The types of compensation that may be available to victims, or loved ones of a victim, following an ATV accident may include medical damages, lost future wages and coverage for pain and suffering damages.

Following a fatal accident, the surviving family members may have a cause of action for wrongful death in some circumstances. Wrongful death occurs when a person is killed as a result of the negligence or misconduct of another. When a child has died, the parents may be be eligible for pecuniary losses based on the child’s life expectancy. In other cases, pecuniary damages for loss of support, services and medical expenses may also be available.

Losing a loved can come with financial challenges in, addition to emotional ones. Understanding that help may be available offset any challenges can come as a relief.

Source: Boston Globe, “Dirt bike driver questioned on fatal crash,” Kathleen Conti, Dec. 10, 2012


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